Keeping Windows Clean and Germ-Free with UV-C Technology

Publié par Diana Alves le

What is UV-C light?

UV-C light is widely known for its remarkable ability to eliminate germs and pathogens. Here's how it works: UV-C light emits electromagnetic radiation at a specific wavelength, typically between 100 and 280 nanometers. When this light interacts with the DNA of bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms, it damages their genetic material, disrupting their ability to reproduce and ultimately causing them to die. This process effectively rids the environment of harmful organisms, resulting in a safer and cleaner space. In simpler terms, it's like using a powerful light to neutralize the genetic code of germs, rendering them harmless.

UV-C light and Window Cleaning


When we talk about window cleaning, you might wonder, "Why do we need UV-C technology if water can clean windows?" Well, here's the thing: water is great for getting rid of visible dirt, but UV-C light takes it to the next level. It targets those sneaky germs that we can't even see, like bacteria and viruses, and wipes them out completely. 

Think about places like schools, where lots of people touch all sorts of stuff every single day. It's like a germ's paradise! Especially with kids, they're always exploring and touching everything in sight. That's where using UV-C technology in cleaning really makes a difference. Water alone is a formidable agent for removing dirt and grime from windows. However, when coupled with UV-C technology, its cleaning capabilities are elevated to new heights. While water cleans the visible dirt, UV-C light targets the invisible germs, providing a thorough and comprehensive cleaning solution.


Ionic Zero System


Now, let's talk about the Ionic Zero system. Other systems remove only dissolved solids from the water supply, uniquely the Zero removes both dissolved solids and all organics as well as bacteria from the water supply. The result is not only water that is 1,000 times purer but also ultrapure water that is free from microorganisms such as legionella bacteria and the organic matter that bacteria feeds upon. A significant benefit is that bio-film cannot form upon the surface of filter media or the RO membrane that means that filters maintain day one performance which in turn means lower running costs.

In a nutshell, bringing together UV-C technology, water cleaning, and window cleaning is like the ultimate trio for keeping things squeaky clean and germ-free. While water takes care of the obvious dirt, UV-C light goes the extra mile, ensuring that every nook and cranny is sanitized and safe. 

Please contact us if you have any questions. 


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